Motivate Yourself to Move and Get Healthy!
I seem to be writing about food a lot lately but that is not the only thing to being healthy! There is also exercise and I am a true believer in exercise! I hear so many people say they are going to start working out or work out more. I know sometimes you think it may be hard to find the time in your day, but honestly, I feel like if I can do it, anyone can do it! I think the key to exercise is finding something you, at the very least, kind of like or that you can say, “hey, this isn’t too bad”. I was just talking to someone about this, and they just used You Tube to find fun workout videos. There are so many workout apps out there, there are gyms with trainers, and of course you could always buy a Peloton and do the workout on it. All the above is pretty much based on your budget.
Now that I say anyone can do it, you have to have some motivation. I know there are many couch potatoes out there. It is very easy to get done with work, have some dinner and just want to sit and unwind. I am a strange breed that does not like to sit and unwind. My unwinding is sitting at the table eating my dinner and perusing through a magazine or looking at Pinterest for more ideas to change my house around! I cannot sit still very long. Okay so now you are saying, yes, we are not like you, and I totally get it!
Here is my basic day:
- Wake up about 6:00 or 6:30am, brush my teeth, wash my face and jump into some workout clothes.
- Make breakfast (usually consists of either some overnight oats I made or peanut butter toast and coffee)
- While I am eating breakfast, this is another way for me to relax and either play a game on my phone or read some of the latest books I am into. A little push for some of my favorite books lately:
- While I am eating breakfast, this is another way for me to relax and either play a game on my phone or read some of the latest books I am into. A little push for some of my favorite books lately:
- Probably about two times a week I get up at 6:00am and do a 35-minute strength training workout. I use an app and I will talk about that a bit more later, but it is and one that I highly recommend, just for the variety of workouts and workout levels alone!
- I typically jump on my computer and start working about 8:00am (I work from home).
- If I did not do my workout in the morning, then I will take a lunch break and do my strength training workout for lunch.
- I usually try and end my day by 4:30, but usually seems to be closer to 5:00pm.
- I then do daily (yes 7 days a week) because it only takes you like 5 minutes; 100 crunches, 30 push-ups, and 20 squats. (You can divide these up and do some in the morning and some at night, but simple ab exercises that are good to get in the habit of doing daily and not very time consuming either.
- I am then out the door for a run – typically on a weekday it is anywhere from 8-10 miles, just depending on what I am training for. I do some cross training so 1 or 2 days I will either jump on my bike and go for a ride or jump on the elliptical, depending on my mood and if I want to watch a movie or not! 🙂
- It does get a bit late after the run, so I usually try and whip up a quick plant-based meal (I do try and meal prep on Sunday for the week since I tend to run out of time to prepare meals). I always have back up though, frozen vegan meals, fake meat burgers, or a salad. Here is just one of my favorite things to make when in a hurry, but I would literally eat this every day, love it!! Mango Berry Smoothie Bowl
- Usually while my meal is cooking, I jump in for a 5-minute bath or shower (prefer the tub but then I sit too long).
- Some Meal Prep handy tools for you to start out with:
- Plant Based Meal Prep – Great book to get you started!
- Plant Based Meal Prep – Great book to get you started!
- Some Meal Prep handy tools for you to start out with:
- Usually while my meal is cooking, I jump in for a 5-minute bath or shower (prefer the tub but then I sit too long).
For your Meal Prep if you decide – some great things to start with:
- Now another relaxing moment while I eat dinner and either have a conversation with my husband or another reading moment.
- By this time, it is easily 8:00pm, so now I am off to lock myself in my office as I am getting another degree in healthcare management and currently taking 12 credit hours. (This is why I say if I can do it, anyone can as I have myself loaded with stuff to do!)
- I typically try and go to bed about 10:30 but end up reading a bit in bed so really about 11:30pm and then get up the next day and do it all over again!
Now, it may seem like I have no fun, but I am all about fun! I am pretty regimented through the week, but I still take time to run to the store, go to a happy hour once in a while, etc. My weekends are a different story. I still get up and run Saturday and Sunday as this is when I can get a long run in, so I try and find a scenic trail to run and usually anywhere from 12-20 miles on Saturday and 8-10 on Sunday, again depending on what I am training for. I usually try and get up pretty early at least Saturday (like around 7:00am) so I can eat some breakfast (since I am doing a longer run and I tend to make me some pancakes or oatmeal). I do come home and do another 30–40-minute strength training, but at least I am usually done my 11:00 or 12:00pm so I have the rest of the day!
Weekends: I do have to do the boring house cleaning chores, but for me it usually consists of vacuuming, mopping and dusting, and every so often do some deep cleaning on the bathrooms. After this though, my husband and I may do some shopping to continue decorating our yard or hit some breweries and have a nice leisurely lunch! Since I run longer on Saturday mornings, we typically do go out Friday night for a quick meal and then Saturday night is more of our date night. I like to at least get out of workout clothes and dress up for a good meal, movie, or some event happening in our town! Now just an FYI, I am a bit of stickler during the week and do not like to mess with my routine, but if there is something happening during the week or friends invite us out for a drink, I am not going to say no! 🙂
Okay, well I got that out of that out of the way, so you pretty much know my entire boring life! I really do not consider it boring as I actually love the things I do. I love to run as it honestly is my stress reliever and as for cooking, when I have time, I so enjoy trying new meals. Like I said earlier, you have to find the things you enjoy in order to get into a healthier lifestyle. For instance, here are some fun things to do as a couple or just for yourself!
- Community colleges or kitchen stores offer healthy cooking classes to do as a couple and pair it with some wine!
- Find a local running club and join from couch to 5K groups, or a weekly running group that does walk/run events. I know in my area they have a weekly Monday run that consists of free alcohol afterward. Good incentive!
- Find a local gym and do some classes that sound interesting. I have met some great people in these classes that have become friends and workout buddies.
- Do something out of the ordinary or out of your comfort zone, like volunteer for running events to see what they are like, look up volunteer events in your area and see if anything interests you! 🙂 – Check out local opportunities –
Now, if I have not given you enough information, how do I motivate you? What is the best motivation for someone to start and stick to living a healthy lifestyle? Are you afraid you will not have any fun? Trust me, I travel, spend time with friend, drink, and do what I want to do. Honestly, there is something out there for everyone, you just have to find what you like, and it will all work out!
Let’s try this.
- Make a list of your favorite things to do. Do you like to play baseball, play video games, binge tv shows, spend time with friends, test out the new winery, play pool, go for walks, etc.??
- Now you have your list and what do you do with it?
- Let’s think creatively. If you had an exercise bike (I have one that I bought off Amazon for like $200 and it works great, and best of all it is quiet so you can watch your shows and exercise at the same time! 🙂
- You want to play your video games? Well, here you go for Nintendo Switch!
- Like hanging out with your friends? Well start a walking/running/workout club with friends – you can do a walk or a fun workout video and take turns hosting, then have some cocktails after!
I am trying to do what I can to help you get motivated. I know I have days where I am not looking forward to my workout or my run, but I always feel so much better once I have done it. I know motivating yourself to get out there is hard, but I swear once you get into a routine, it will be so much easier, and you will feel so much better!!
Please google things you like and add on the word exercise and see what you can find! I wish you all good luck and I know you can all do it!
Please reach out and email me if I can help you find some local runs, local running clubs, etc.