The New Year – Make it a Great One!
Wow, 2020 is OVER!! What a year for the history books! Now we need to make 2021 one of the greatest years of our lives. We need to recover from the year that seemed to be a year of doom!
I for one plan on starting the greatest year of my life! Are you with me? We all have wonderful goals when it comes to the start of a new year. The gyms become overcrowded with everyone trying to achieve their goal of getting in shape, the grocery stores are selling out in the health food aisles, and all the sporting goods stores are having wonderful January sales.
What other goals do we all make to start a new year? The house will be spotless, all those cupboards and drawers will be cleaned out and organized, the closet will be rid of everything you no longer wear, try all those new recipes you cut out, and start recycling to save the planet! Or maybe it is those bad habits you have simply vowed to quit, like smoking or drinking.
How about another approach to all these resolutions? How about starting as simple as improving your self-worth. Take a step back and evaluate your life. What is it that you struggle with or what have you always wanted in life? What bothers you the most and what would give you contentment?
I am no expert, but I have made many mistakes and have done a lot of reading and self-assessment to figure out what will give life have more meaning and what is profoundly important in life. I think we take life for granted and it can go by so quickly. One day you are 21 and enjoying your youth and looking forward to what you will accomplish in the future. The next day you are 50 and realize all those things you have not yet done or accomplished that you said you would. Why not reflect on your life and take note of what is truly the most important things to you and what will make you complete. We can all say family and friends are the most important thing in life, which is true, but the one thing you would be forgetting is yourself. You are important, and if you do not make yourself a priority, how can others become a priority.
My little self-assessment has led me to one thing! I AM IMPORTANT! I need to make myself a priority and do what makes me happy. If I am not happy, I cannot make others happy. I want more out of life for me, and I will not settle for just being happy with what I have. I want to be extraordinary. I want great things and I want to share them with my family and friends. I want this year to be a great one, for myself and for all those around me!
My list to start this year out right and to make it a great one!!
- Make myself a priority – Love yourself so that you can love others
- Commit to a healthy lifestyle – if you are not around, how can you achieve your goals
- Friends and family – spend more time with those you love
- Learn to say ‘No’! – you can only do so much, do what you can and let the rest go
- Love and accept yourself – Be happy with you
- Practice gratitude – Write a weekly journal of a couple things that you are grateful for Let that Shit Go Journal of Gratitude
- Take responsibility for your life – Step up and do what is right, do not depend on others to do it for you
- Believe in your ability – believe that you can achieve the unachievable
- Stop worrying about what other people think of you – if they do not like you, then they are not worth having around
- Become a better listener – stop talking and listen to what people have to say
- Learn more and do more – what have you always wanted to know how to do? Home Improvement
- Practice forgiveness – Do you have any anger, let it go and forgive
- Be creative – back to #11, check out Pinterest
- SPEND TIME IN NATURE! My big one – go outside; sunshine and fresh air is the best medicine! Walks of a Lifetime, America’s National Parks
- Create the life of your dreams – we can all do it. 5 Day Crash Course to Blogging!
One step in front of the other, take a little at a time. We are all capable of great things. We must believe in ourselves and make ourselves a priority. We can live better, love better, and be great! It all starts with 1 person: you! If you are happy, then everyone around you will be happy!
Happy New Year and make it a great one!