Health and Wellness

My Brain Shaking Bike Ride

It needs shaken out sometimes!

I went for a bike ride instead of a run today.  The weather was nice and steamy and the sun was glaring down on me but it felt wonderful. I have times where I can’t seem to clear my head of all these crazy thoughts. There is so much all around us in this crazy world right now and I personally have things that I just can’t shake from my head and worry every day and stress about what I am going to do and how I will get it all done, and I can’t keep things straight or feel like I can’t make the right decisions. This is one of those days that it is all bubbling up and I need to shake it out of my brain so hence the brain shaking ride!

I just imagine I am riding through some prairies and the wind is blowing on my face and the breeze is gently brushing my skin to give me just a little bit of cool air.  As I ride I stop to see the art that locals have done, some may call it graffiti, but this seems like art to me! 

Down the way a little I see the creek streaming across the rocks and sitting on top of a rock as if it is lost looking for someone or something is this beautiful crane.  I feel sad for it in a way as it is out here lost in the loneliness and I also  don’t see a single sole for miles either and kind of feeling the same, yet it is also somewhat of a peaceful feeling.  The prairie grass is blowing in the wind as the crane opens its wings and flies away. 

As I am getting ready to turn around, I see some sort of structure ahead and I am wondering if it really can be a covered bridge along the bike path. I have not come across this before and I find it very unique and interesting and so I have to ride through it and enjoy this unique feature just built for our enjoyment while we ride underneath it.

I am now on my descent back home and my mind has cleared of all the thoughts and I am at peace as I pedal along and enjoy the trees and shrubs all around me as if I am in a forest. It has been such a nice break in my day and just what I needed.

I hope you all take the time to clear your head and just let your mind wander to a place that fills you with peace.

Now that I am in a better state of mind as I am almost home and I have to laugh as I always seem to come across the Burton truck and still think every single time that it truly is an actual person! 🙁