Life Story #1
Kiara was a quiet shy little girl, born in a small town near the Air Force Base in Louisiana where her father was stationed and the second place they were since they started their life together as a young married couple. Her father wasn’t around much since his military career sent him to unknown locations, not even familiar to his own wife. So Kiara’s mom, Claire, was left to alone with not a lot of money, no vehicle to get places and two small children to take care of in a trailer court located in what would not be considered the best part of town. Living all alone with newborn Kiara and her three year old brother, Tristan was definitely a challenge and a frightening experience for Claire. Claire was afraid to wonder around too much and take her kids places such as a stroll in the park or even a walk around her own neighborhood, as she did not know her surroundings or the people. Claire eventually was approached by some nearby neighboring Air Force wives that also lived in her trailer court and were in the same circumstances as Claire without their husband’s around to take care of them. Claire quickly found friendship with these other women. She learned to swap clothes with the other wives as they all had young growing children. The other ladies even shower her how to be thrifty and get a little extra money by picking up cans so they have a little enjoyment of their own by going to the nearby grocery and picking up some beer and cigarettes. The women would have nights where their children would be fast asleep, so they could all gather in their lawn chairs outside of the trailers and enjoy their new found friendship and sip on their beers.
Kiara was only a infant when her dad was sent away to fight in the war in Vietnam. He hardly had the time to snuggle his newborn little girl and let her get to know him before he had to go away for what ended up being over a year. Since they would be all alone in a city where they hardly new anyone, didn’t even have a car to get around, and was not the safest place for a young mother with small children, they decided to move back with Kiara’s grandma and grandpa in the Midwest while her dad was off to war. They packed up what belongings they had, grandma Millie and Grandpa Henry sent them money for bus fair, and off they went travelling over 1000 miles on a hard bumpy bus seat with Claire balancing an infant on her lap and trying to keep a crazy 3 year old, Tristan, sitting still for a length of time. They finally arrived at grandma and grandpa’s place tired and hungry. Millie and Henry welcomed them with open arms and had nice rooms all made up for them so they could unpack, relax and feel safe in a warm inviting home. Kiara was spoiled that year by grandma Millie and Grandpa Henry and all her other aunts and uncles that doted on her every smile and giggle. Her brother Tristan got to play on the farm, ride the horses and play with his cousins all day. It was a good year for Claire, Kiara and Tristan with feeling safe and warm in their family surroundings but Claire missed her husband terribly and Tristan kept asking when daddy would be home.
Kiara’s mom got a call one day from her brother-in-law, Jacob, her husband’s brother, telling her Richard, her husband, would be flying back home soon to surprise them all. Jacob had a much better idea and wanted to bring the kids and his sister-in-law to the airport to surprise Richard instead. The day the flight was set to arrive, Jacob drove up to Millie and Henry’s home in his old Plymouth and helped pack Kiara and Tristian into the car while Claire climbed into the passenger seat gleaming with excitement at the thought of getting to hold her husband once again in her arms. Off they went to the airport which was about a two hour drive. The kids were anxious and bopping around in the car not really knowing what was going on. They arrived at the airport early and had to drive around to find a place to park as the parking lot was very busy with all the other military families there for the same reason, to see their love one after along awaited time away. They finally got parked, made their way through the airport to find the correct gate that Richard would be arriving at, and they were allowed at this time to walk out onto the tarmac and patiently wait for the plane to arrive. They watched patiently as other airplanes slowly made their way to the runway only to be disappointed whey they were not the plane holding Richard. Finally they were told the place was making its descent and would be landing shortly. They glared up into the sun looking for the plane as it made a slow turn and started downward towards the ground. They all had to back up a little to allow the crew the ground crew to get ready for the landing and de-boarding of the men. The large C-141 Aircraft slowly came to a halt with all the soldiers onboard anxiously awaiting the first glance at their families. Kiara stood holding her moms hand as her brother, Tristan jumped up and down screaming, “where is daddy?”. The airplane door slowly folded open and a set of stairs were rolled over to the door for the men to begin un-boarding. The crowd started getting excited and shouts and screams started to erupt with people calling various names as if they were seeing their son, husband, father or brother for the very first time. The excitement of the crowd frightened Kiara and she began to cry. Just as her mom picked her up and she buried her head in her mom hair, they caught of glimpse of her father, a tall masculine man with dark hair and bright blue eyes. His eyes were searching over the crowd to try and catch site of his brother, not knowing who else he was going to see. His brother yelled his name, “Richard, over here”. He caught his brother’s eye and was on his way towards his brother when he caught a glimpse of his lovely wife with her long brown hair and beautiful smile, and tears streaming down her face at the first sight of her husband.
Tune in to story #2!

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