Can You Relax?
Relaxation is a word I do not use much in my life.
I wrote a previous story about this year and how I feel so you can get a little understanding of how I needed this information: How Am I Supposed to Feel
I NEED TO CHANGE, WHAT ABOUT YOU?? – Here are some tips – Thanks to Dr. Steven Wengel, UNMC
The three “Rs” help you cope with stress:
- Relationships
- Routines
- Relaxation/reflection
- Stay in touch with family and friends
- Listen for stress/distress in others
- Form a “buddy system” – check on others
- One of the most important things you can do for yourself is sleep. (I am terrible at this)
- Adequate sleep can do many things for you – help your mood, reduce anxiety, and help you remember (I need help with this!)
- Another important aspect of relaxation may sound odd, but it is Exercise!
- (I let my mind wonder on runs and it honestly is my relaxation)
- Some of the things Exercise can do for you is help with mood, anxiety, focus and help with problem solving abilities.
- Getting outdoors and simply being in nature reduces stress!
- Another big one is a healthy diet
- Improves your self-esteem
- Can reduce depressive symptoms
Some simple things to keep your routine intact (especially if you are working from home)
- Hygiene – simply take a shower or bath everyday
- Make your bed every day
- Pick a short phrase or word – such as “one”, “Peace”, anything for a focus word or phrase
- Sit quietly in a comfortable position and close your eyes
- Breath slowly and naturally, and as you do, say your focus word, sound, phrase, or prayer silently to yourself as you exhale.
- Assume a passive attitude. Do not worry if other thoughts come in, just tell yourself “oh well” and return to your repetition
- Continue for 10-20 minutes – but DO NOT set a timer
- Practice this once or twice daily – some good times to do are before breakfast and before dinner.
GREAT FREE MEDITATIONS – (I found these very relaxing)
Guided Meditations – UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center – Los Angeles, CA (uclahealth.org)
- Look for ways to include others: “Ding-Dong Dashing” – leave a gift/surprise on someone’s doorstep and ring the bell and either run away or stand in the yard to say hi.
- Do not talk about controversial topics. If they do sneak into the conversation, have a stop word such as, “mistletoe”! Once the word is spoken, lighten the conversation
- Volunteer
- Acknowledge your feelings
- Reach out to family and friend
- Make sure to Take a Break:
- 15-minute walk
- Stargazing
- Listen to soothing music
- Read a book
- Get at least 7 hours of sleep
- Spend time outside
- Meditation
- Mindfulness
- Journaling
- Grab a journal
- Write down 1 x a week 3 things you are grateful for and then do this each week and they have to be different things each week – simple things like, “I am grateful for having a job”, or “I am grateful for Cyber Monday sales!” 😊
- Grab a journal
-Doom scrolling – DO NOT LOOK FOR THE BAD NEWS
-Find the right dose of information – STOP dwelling on all the things that could go wrong
Relax and enjoy life, we all have to find a way!!
I put some links above to some relaxation devices just to help you on this journey.